Sunday, 18 January 2009

Oops - it has been a long time.....

......but I have been keeping up to date in Flikr - just need to get round to updating here. I will try and do that in the next 24h - but till then had you heard the fantastic Shimelle has a free course just about to start? Go here to find out more! I can definitely recommend her courses - just need a 48h day to get them finished!

Saturday, 10 January 2009

10 January

Well - its been back to the mundane parts of school life and occasionally we have to call on a bit of extra assistance to get through it all.......

Friday, 9 January 2009

Friday 9th Jamuary - not quite POTD

Frosty berries
Originally uploaded by ljrn42
2 minutes before taking Claire to school I decided I couldn't miss the chance of taking the benefit of a massive hoar frost. With very little time to take the picture my composition was a little lacking so I have cropped approopriately.

Spiders web - POTD 9 January

Spiders web
Originally uploaded by ljrn42
This was one of the spiders webs hanging off the fire excape that leads to our coffee room - I had to capture the moment before school started!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

8 January

Another unusual shot of a Christmas present in use - an electronics project set. Lots of excitement today when she managed to transmit Morse code through a radio she had made.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

7 January

I was stuck for a choice between these 2 photos - in fact as I type I am still not sure which one will be the POTD. Still taking the chance for some late night playing with my macro lens - and Claire's pencils offered a suitable subject. After some consideration and weighing up I think I will go for the first as the second isn't quite as sharp as I would have liked. Also - I am sure I cropped out the shadow at the bottom of the second picture - but its too late in the day to redo.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

6 January

Another whole day below freezing and I figured it was a good time to get a warmer scarf. I've had this fibre sitting around and it just begged to become something more useful - so here it is - a work in progress! They say it will get warmer by Sunday - if we're lucky......
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Monday, 5 January 2009

5th January

A difficult day to chose to photo today - the first day back at school for me at least saw a light dusting of snow - not enough to cancel the Inset day even though there was a couple of inches 10 miles from us. Guy stayed off work to look after Claire and took her to see Madagascar 2 - plans for a trip further afield were scuppered by the bitter cold. We did manage a chinese meal tonight though! (Yum!)
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Sunday, 4 January 2009

4 Jan

Christmas candles were the focus for this POTD - I used my macro to focus on the candle and used our Christmas tree lights and tinsel as the background. There is enough visible to show the candle pics were taken at Christmas but not enough to be visible. My battery is on the way out so I may be on the bridge camera tomorrow - back to school as well! AAARRRGGGGGHHH!
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Saturday, 3 January 2009

Jan 3rd

A difficult decision tody as I had 2 photos I really wanted to put up. Both these were from the first visit of the year to Hatfield Forest which is very close to where we live. The first one , which was the one I chose for the POTD, were some deer which wandered across our path. We have seen deer fairly frequently when we have been to the Forest but have not yet managed to catch them on film.

The other one was just me playing with my macro lens (have I mentioned I love it?) - the ice crystals on the leaves were amazing this morning.

Friday, 2 January 2009

Day 2: Fruit salad

The day was getting a little late and I was getting worried I would be reduced to a picture of our last purchase from Woolworths when Claire decided she was going to be helpful and prepare desert. Not bad for a 10 year old!

Things have definitely changed in the high street - going in Woolies for the last time was definitely not nice - more akin to a free for all car boot sale than a normal shop; people were walking away dragging binbags full of loot. You even found yourself wondering whether the sales were genuine or another shop in deep trouble. I think it is going to be quite a year - hopefully not as bad as we think it may be. At least kids will always need teaching!
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Thursday, 1 January 2009

New Years Day

Happy new year! The first picture I have was taken when DD wanted to go downtown and take some pictures of the local Christmas lights. This one was hand held and cropped slightly to remove DDs head as she had wandered into the shot - what a surprise!


Well - part of my plans for this year are to try to find more time for myself to relax and follow hobbies while still keeping up with work - so here I am. I have decided I will try to do the 365 photo challenge though how easy it will be to keep up is anyones guess. Still - you gotta be in it to win it as they say!