Sunday, 18 January 2009

Oops - it has been a long time.....

......but I have been keeping up to date in Flikr - just need to get round to updating here. I will try and do that in the next 24h - but till then had you heard the fantastic Shimelle has a free course just about to start? Go here to find out more! I can definitely recommend her courses - just need a 48h day to get them finished!

Saturday, 10 January 2009

10 January

Well - its been back to the mundane parts of school life and occasionally we have to call on a bit of extra assistance to get through it all.......

Friday, 9 January 2009

Friday 9th Jamuary - not quite POTD

Frosty berries
Originally uploaded by ljrn42
2 minutes before taking Claire to school I decided I couldn't miss the chance of taking the benefit of a massive hoar frost. With very little time to take the picture my composition was a little lacking so I have cropped approopriately.

Spiders web - POTD 9 January

Spiders web
Originally uploaded by ljrn42
This was one of the spiders webs hanging off the fire excape that leads to our coffee room - I had to capture the moment before school started!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

8 January

Another unusual shot of a Christmas present in use - an electronics project set. Lots of excitement today when she managed to transmit Morse code through a radio she had made.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

7 January

I was stuck for a choice between these 2 photos - in fact as I type I am still not sure which one will be the POTD. Still taking the chance for some late night playing with my macro lens - and Claire's pencils offered a suitable subject. After some consideration and weighing up I think I will go for the first as the second isn't quite as sharp as I would have liked. Also - I am sure I cropped out the shadow at the bottom of the second picture - but its too late in the day to redo.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

6 January

Another whole day below freezing and I figured it was a good time to get a warmer scarf. I've had this fibre sitting around and it just begged to become something more useful - so here it is - a work in progress! They say it will get warmer by Sunday - if we're lucky......
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